About Committees
All committees shall be composed of a fixed membership which may include both Board and non-Board voting members of record. Unless otherwise specified in these bylaws, all Standing Committees shall be chaired by an ASNC Board member who shall appoint the committee members.
A. Agenda Setting Committee. This committee shall be chaired by the President and comprised of the five Board Officers. Prior to their meeting, all agenda requests emanating from the website, stakeholders and committees will be compiled by the Secretary. This committee shall not address or consider the merits of proposed agenda items. Its function is to determine whether a proposed agenda item is complete and will be placed on the next Board agenda.
B. Rules and Elections Committee. The Rules and Elections Committee shall be chaired by the 1st Vice President. The Rules and Elections committee shall propose bylaws amendments and standing rules as necessary. The Rules and s Selections Committee shall organize and administer ASNC selections to fill Board vacancies. General elections shall be supported by an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of only non-candidates.
C. Budget and Finance Committee. The Budget and Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. The committee shall be responsible for the oversight and administration of all ASNC financial matters and shall present a proposed budget for board approval on an annual basis. The committee shall also review the monthly financial reconciliations prior to their submission to the Board.
D. Communications and Outreach Committee. The Communications and Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the 2nd Vice President. The Communications and Outreach Committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating all outreach efforts and events in all neighborhoods within the ASNC boundaries. Outreach will include regular distribution of flyers, agenda notifications on social media and in local publications, announcements by email, timely mailings to members, publication of a newsletter and maintenance of a web site. The Communications and Outreach Committee shall maintain the Stakeholder roster to enable the ASNC to carry out all functions specified in these Bylaws.
E. Planning & Land Use Committee.The Planning and Land Use Committee shall review, take public input, report on and make recommendations of actions to the Board on any land use and planning issues affecting the community. The Planning and Land Use Committee’s recommendations to the Board shall be in the form of an oral report at Board meetings.
F. Sustainability and Resiliencey Committee. The Sustainability and Resiliency Committee shall monitor and advise on all issues related to the environment, homelessness, health, public safety, welfare, transportation, animal welfare, businesses and labor unions.
G. Education, Family and Culture Committee. The Education, Family and Culture Committee shall monitor and advise on all issues related to education, youth, families, aging, art, culture and recreation.
H. Local Issues Committee.There shall be one (1) Local Issues Committee for each of the communities in the ASNC. Voting membership in each Local Issue committee shall include the geographical Board members that represent that community as well as committee chair- appointed stakeholders from that same community. Local Issues Committees shall report to the Board on matters of local importance at regular meetings of the ASNC.
Ad Hoc Committees may be established as deemed appropriate by the Board. Ad Hoc Committees may only be formed to address a specific task, existing until the task is completed as expeditiously as possible or for no more than one (1) year or until the seating of a new Board, whichever occurs first. Every proposed Ad Hoc committee shall submit a Mission Statement to the Agenda Setting Committee for approval before being sent to the Board. The Board may dissolve an Ad Hoc Committee at its discretion by a simple majority vote at any time. Ad Hoc Committee chairs are appointed by the President, subject to veto by a majority of the entire Board. Ad Hoc committees shall meet at least once a month until its stated purpose is completed.
Committees advise the Board and only make recommendations on issues. Committees do not have the authority to act without Board approval.